Message - The Well In The Cave (Parable)

 The Well In The Cave 
 by Randy Nelsen

There was a man who was lost, he was lost in the desert. He had lived in the desert for many years. He lived near a small well of water in a tiny stone cave. This man had to go to the well three times a day to get enough water to survive. The desert was very dry and it never rained.The day finally came when the well began to run dry. The Man became fearful, wondering how he would survive without water. He finally became so weak that he could barely stand up. He started to hallucinate, he started to have visions and dreams of  water, of oceans, and of Rainfall.
As the man lay dying of thirst, he thought he heard a faint whisper. It was a deep soft voice that said "Drink from the Well." He thought that maybe he was going crazy, and that he had just imagined the voice. Suddenly he heard it again, "Drink from the Well", it said. Now he was firmly convinced that he had lost his mind. Again he heard the faint whisper  say, "Drink from the Well." He cried out with all his remaining strength "The well is dry."  It was then he heard a Loud clear response, "I Am The Well of Living Water." The man stared again into the bottom of the empty well, and saw it was dry. Suddenly he noticed something very strange, just a few feet down the shaft of the well.  One of the Old Stones lining the Well, was glowing with a piercing White Light. "Take The Rock", the Voice said. With all of his remaining strength, he pried the brightly glowing Stone loose. A sudden flood of water spewed forth, like a fountain. It was crystal clear, and quickly filled the well; overflowing it and flooding the cave. The man knelt and thankfully lapped the water up with his mouth. He was instantly revived. He lifted up his face and thanked God. He gave sincere heartfelt thanks to God. he thanked a God he had refused to believe in for so long. He jumped up and ran out of the cave. The water was gushing from the mouth of the cave in a strong torrent. It was flooding and filling the entire desert valley with glowing White Rivers of Water. He was forced to scramble up the mountain to escape the deluge of water. He stare up into the Heavens and asked , "God where did this water come from?" The Voice spoke  loud and clear within him shaking him to the core. 
It was there always my son. For as Long as you have lived in this Desert, the Water was there behind the Stone.You only had to take the stone my son.   
Now he had to go through Samaria. So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon.
  When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”  (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans. Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”
  “Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”  Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,  but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 
John 4:4 - 14

Are you satisfying your thirst with a worldly well, or are you drawing from the Well of Living Water that never runs out?Next we will examine the  three Wells of Worldly Pleasure.  
 The Wells of Worldly Pleasure
 There are Three Worldly Spiritual Wells, which we can choose to draw from. These wells symbolize Wells of Worldly pleasure. What am I talking about? I will gladly explain. These are Spiritual Wells that can only satisfy your Spiritual thirst temporarily. The Three Worldly Wells have names.
  Worldly Well #1 Lust of the Eye 
This is the well that is filled with the desire for material things. 
This well contains cars, money, houses, clothing  and all sorts of things. It is a physical well in the simplest sense, because it is filled with things that attempt to appease and replace the spiritual thirst for God.This well will eventually run dry when a person has bought and obtained all kinds of things, but finally comes to the realize the truth. The truth that their heart is thirsty for a kind of water that material possessions cannot satisfy.  
Worldly Well #2 The Lust Of The Flesh
This is a well filled with all sorts of fleshly desires and physical cravings. The first and most obvious thing found in this well is sexual Lust. I'm not talking about a healthy sexual relationship in a marriage between a  man and his wife. Sex is not unclean, its how the devil has twisted it, that is perverse. Pornography, Addiction and all kinds of Sinful and Harmful thoughts and Desires. Drug addiction, Smoking, excessive drinking or drunkeness, even overeating. These are all futile attempts to fill the emptiness in ones heart, they are sinful things that fill the Well of Lust.
Well # 3 The Pride Of Life
The Third and final Well is called the Pride of Life. This well manifests itself mainly in the mind of the person with the Proud Spirit. The Pride of Life comes  in all forms of the Spiritual Pride. I will name a few of the many Spirits that fill the Well of Pride. Anger, Arrogance,Desire for Power, Rage,Vanity,Selfishness, Religious Spirits, Spiritual Pride, and the Pride of Learning and Knowledge. These are Spirits that come into the thoughts and manifest themselves in the attitudes of a persons heart. Do not drink from this well, its water will poison you and eventually destroy you.
              The Well In The Cave -  The Explanation
What is The Explanation and meaning of the story. Lets take a second look. The man in the Desert represents the person who is lost in the world. This is the person who has never accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. The man lived in the cave. The cave symbolizes darkness, we choose to live in a Dark Cave when we do not accept the Gospel and choose to live in the world. The Well represents The Wells of  Worldly Pleasure that I explained earlier. Anyone who does not accept Jesus Christ as the Source of Living Water is choosing to drink from one of the three Worldly Wells. The Truth is that like the story says; the well eventually runs dry because the worldly well can never truly satisfy our innate spiritual thirst. Every living person has this Spiritual thirst automatically built into them by the Lord.The Voice in the Cave represents God calling man to come out of the Cave and to accept Salvation. The Well Of Water.Water represents Life,  not only the temporary life of this present world, but Life as Jesus Describes it, Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again,  but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
 The Pocket Knife represents the Word Of God. A Lost  and Thirsty person can choose to pick up a bible when he  or she is dying spiritually.In the Scriptures The Lord compares his Word to a Sword a Sword. In The Story the pocketknife is dull this means that the man is not yet skilled in the word but it doesn't matter because he listened to the voice and he picked up his Bible.The man in the story sees a glowing stone and he uses the Pocketknife to pry the stone loose. God is the Living Stone, God describes himself as the Rock of our Salvation and it is with the pocketknife or Gods Word that we can pry loose or obtain the Rock of  our Salvation. The Water that came from the Rock is The Living Water , Jesus Christ is Our Water of Life or Living Water  it overflows and flood the Well of The Human Heart. 
  Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.
John 4:14


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