Message (Parable) - Three Little Pigs

 Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there lived Three little Pigs. Each pig lived in a different kind of House. The first Pig was named Lazy. Lazy Pig lived in a house made of straw.Every day lazy Pig would go out into the Field, to gather straw for his house, but he was always too tired to gather the right amount, so his house was never finished.
One Sunny day, he saw a Big Bad Wolf outside his window and he asked him for some straw, to build the house."Hi Mr Big Bad Wolf," said the little pig. "I know you are a Big Bad Wolf, but I' m too tired to gather straw, can you please bring me some? "Why yes," said the Wolf with a large Grin."I would be happy to bring you some straw my friend, if I may come over for Dinner." "Certainly, said Lazy Pig." "If you bring me some straw then you can come over for dinner." The following evening The Big Bad Wolf, brought Lazy Pig some straw, and then he had him for dinner.  There was another Pig whose name was Religious. This Religious Pig would go out into the forest every Sunday to gather wood for his house. Religious Pig liked to build his house with weathered and cracked pieces of wood. One day he saw the Big bad Wolf. Hi Mr Wolf, do you like my beautiful house? It is much  sturdier than other houses, because It is built with the oldest Trees in the forest. In fact nobody in the whole forest has a house like mine. I will also have you know that my whole family has always built houses like this it is our custom. "I would love to have you come over and visit me tomorrow Mr Wolf. But you must follow all of my rules to enter o my house." "No Problem," said the Wolf, "What are your rules?" The Religious Pig glanced at the Wolf with a Serious face. "First You must wash your paws and wipe your feet. Next you must put on a clean suit and tie. Finally you must sing me a song with you hands raised up. "Okay," said The Wolf, I will come over Tomorrow Night." The following evening Mr. Wolf went to the Religious Pigs Wooden House. Mr. Wolf  dressed in his nicest suit and tie, then he washed his paws and feet, and then he knocked on the door.Religious pig opened the door, and after looking at Mr. Wolf and making sure  that he had washed, and worn a suit, he smiled and invited him in. Mr.Wolf he said, you look very nice but i still need you to sing me a song. The wolf cleared his throat and put a handkerchief around his neck then he lifted up the pig over his head, and started to sing,Bacon, Bacon, Bacon." There came another day when the Big Bad Wolf was climbing a narrow path that led high up into the mountains. The Wolf was   looking for dinner, when he spotted a small brick house built high up, on a large Rock. The Wolf thought to himself, this will be an easy meal for me to catch.Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllloooooooooo,yelled the Wolf  because he couldn't fit through the narrow gap leading to the house. Faithful pig came to the window and looked down at the wolf. "Hi Wolf", said the pig. I'm sorry but i cant come out of my house to see you because I'm busy reading my favorite book. I would be happy to feed you, if you will move that large rock by the cliff. The Wolf looked up angrily at the Pig and said "I don't know what you expect to feed me, unless you can turn that giant stone into Bread. Faithful pig said, "I'm sorry but you must move the rock before i feed you." The Wolf finally agreed to the Pigs demands, and pushed the Rock; but he didn't realize that it leaned slightly in his direction.The wolf was crushed by the Rock. 
Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the Rock: and the rain descended, the floods beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the Rock. But everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.
Matthew 7:24-27   



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