Poetry - The Treasure Box - by Randy Nelsen

 The Treasure Box
by Randy Nelsen

I had a Treasure Box
Filled with Silver, Pearls, and Gold
I Had a Treasure Box
My Hands would often Hold
I liked to watch it sparkle
 I held it in the Light
I held it in the morning
 It even sparkled in the Night

Then one day I Found
My Horror and Dismay
My Treasure box had turned to Rust
My Joy to Ash and Gray

How could this ever happen?
I asked myself that day
And then I heard a still small voice
A Voice not far Away

My Son your treasure Box is Rust
It lasts just for a Day
Its worth is made of  crumbling rust
 Its sparkle fades away

My son I have a Treasure
There is no hidden fee
There is no cost
The price is paid
My gift I Give for Free

What is this Treasure Box?
I heard my own voice say
What is this Priceless Treasure that never fades Away?

Listen To My Word
My Son
And you shall know The Way

Jesus is the Treasure
That will never fade away

He was sent down from above
So the Blind may Truly See
Once a Captive Treasure Box
Your Heart has been set Free


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