Spiritual Nuggets - Where Your Treasure Is, Your Heart Will Be Also (10/06/24)


Spiritual Nuggets  
Where Your Treasure Is, Your Heart Will Be Also  

(Matthew 6:21)  

Sunday, October 6, 2024  

(Word Study)  

Thēsauros (θησαυρός)  Treasure

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  

Matthew 6:21 (NASB)

The Treasure Box  

By Randall Nelsen

I had a treasure box  

Filled with Silver, Pearls, and Gold.  

I Had a Treasure Box  

That my Hands would often Hold.

I loved to watch it sparkle  

As I held it in the light.  

I held it in the morning.  

It even sparkled in the night.

Then one day I found  

To my horror and dismay,  

My treasure box had turned to rust—  

My joy to ash and decay.

How could this ever happen?  

I asked myself that day.  

Then I heard a still small voice,  

A voice not far away.

“My son, your treasure box is rust,  

It lasts just for a day.  

Its worth is less than ash and dust,  

Its sparkle fades away.

My son, I have a treasure.  

There is no hidden fee.  

There is no cost.  

The price is paid.  

This gift I give for free.”

“What is this treasure box?”  

I heard my own voice say.  

“What is this priceless treasure  

That never fades away?”

“Listen to My Word, My son,  

And you shall know the way.  

Jesus is the treasure  

That will never fade away.

I sent My Son down from above,  

So the blind may truly see.  

Once a captive treasure box,  

He gave you the only key.”

(Linguistic and Theological Context) 

Thēsauros (θησαυρός) refers to a treasure chest or storehouse. This Greek word is also the root for the English word thesaurus, meaning a treasury of words. Just as a thesaurus holds rich language, we are called to store God's Word in our hearts. When Jesus speaks of treasure, He is asking us to examine what we value. If we prioritize earthly wealth, our hearts will be tied to the temporary, but if we fill our hearts with God's eternal Word, we reflect His wisdom and love.

Like a treasure chest stores valuables, our hearts should store the riches of God’s teachings, guiding our thoughts and actions. The more we embed His Word within, the more our desires align with His Kingdom.

Historical and Cultural Context  

In Jesus' time, wealth was often hidden in caves or buried in fields, making it vulnerable to theft or decay. His audience would have understood how fragile material wealth was. Jesus uses this imagery to emphasize the fleeting nature of earthly possessions. Instead, He calls us to store treasures in heaven—eternal and imperishable.

(Theological Significance)

Thēsauros also signifies a storehouse of eternal truths. Like a thesaurus that holds countless words, our hearts are designed to hold the boundless treasures of God’s Word. Psalm 119:11 says, “Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.” When we treasure God's Word, we build an inner reservoir of wisdom, enabling us to withstand life’s trials. Our hearts, filled with His truths, align our lives with His eternal purpose.

(Modern Application)

Today, the question remains: What are we treasuring? Are we focused on accumulating material success or storing eternal treasures through acts of faith, service, and love? Jesus calls us to invest in what will last. When we live generously and deepen our relationship with Christ, we secure treasures that cannot fade or be destroyed. These investments bring peace and fulfillment, immune to the world's uncertainties.


Take time to ask yourself: Where is my treasure? Am I investing in things that will fade or in eternal treasures that last forever? As Matthew 6:21 reminds us, what we treasure will guide our lives. Let’s focus on what has eternal value.

To read the full post, look at my link tree at the top of my bio called Shadows in Jericho.

#SpiritualNuggets #ShadowsinJericho #TreasuresInHeaven #ThesaurusOfGodsWord


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