Message (Parable) - "The Mouse Is In The House"

"The Mouse is In The House"

       by Randall Nelsen

I remember when I was in the Victory Outreach Mens Home. I have a lot of great memories from the time that i spent there, allowing god to restore the Life that I had messed up. I want to share with you a funny story that actually happened while I was living in the home.
I used to stay up late reading the bible in the living room. Me and my friend Mario would try to get in as much Bible study as we could. I remember one time we were reading, I heard some strange scratching noises, and a squeaking sound. Suddenly I saw a blur of movement, a tiny mouse not much bigger than a golf ball scurried across the floor, quick as lightning. It ran across the kitchen, and disappeared behind the food rack.We started to bust up laughing. About five minutes later our new little friend ran back across the kitchen; to his little home behind the stove. We went over to the wall and looked behind the stove. There it was, a tiny hole in the kitchen wall.I used to be one of the cooks in the home, we would go every Monday and pick up donations like bread, sweets and, other stuff. We would always get a truckload of bread, and we had to take it and stack it on the storage shelves in the kitchen.We had to take the old bread, get rid of it, and put the new bread on the shelf. We were looking through the bread when we found something very disturbing. There were a bunch of holes in several bags of the bread. Our so called little friend Mr. Mouse was taking his little night missions to eat all of our bread. You may be wondering why I'm sharing this story with you. Maybe you are thinking, "that's a funny story but so what, whats the point?" Here's the point, some of you have a mouse in your house. The mouse is eating all of your bread. He comes out of a little hole in the wall at night to eat all of your bread. The mouse has a name, he is called Sin. The mouse is a symbol for the Sin in your life; he is your Pet sin, you like to keep him and feed him all of your bread. Sin lives in a little hole in your wall. The Hole in the wall is called compromise. When you choose to compromise, and do things that Bible tells you not to do; then you allow Sin to come in and live in your walls.The bread represents the word of God John 6:35 says this,"and Jesus said to them, I am the bread of Life. He who comes to me shall never Hunger, and he who believes in me shall never thirst." Sin comes from compromise, he comes out at night when you don't expect him to devour The Word of God. He comes take what God has given you. The Bible says this, "Be sober vigilant;because your Adversary the devil walks about like a roaring Lion,seeking whom he may devour." (1 Peter 5:8). Don't give the mouse called Sin your Bread, because the more you feed him the bigger he will get. Before you know it more mice will come into your house, and two mice can breed a thousand in a very short period of time, they will take over. A mouse is a very small creature it might look harmless likewise our Sin also might seem very small to us. We must realize however that like mice, Sin can breed and multiply, eventually it will destroy the House, we are that house.      Point is get the Mouse Out The House.....


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