Message - Spiritual Chameleon

   Spiritual Chameleons

 have always thought that chameleons 
were very fascinating creatures. They can blend in with their surroundings. You might walk past a chameleon on a tree or rock and not even realize it. Chameleons are famous for their innate ability to camouflage themselves.
 The pigmentation of their cells is chemically altered to match their environment. It is a little known fact that one of the main reason for their ability to camouflage themselves is not what most people think it is.
 One of the main reasons for the chameleons ability to Change its colors, is for the purpose of social signalling. Chameleons display darker colors when they are angry, or  when they feel threatened. They also tend to show lighter or muti-colored patterns, when they are courting females. Why am i talking about chameleons, and what do chameleons have to do with Christianity or the bible? Sometimes as Christians, we  act like chameleons. In other words, we try to blend in with the world.We try to match the customs and patterns of this world.Sometimes we act just like everyone else, and we  forget that we belong to Jesus Christ. We start talking like everyone else, and say things we shouldn't say. A chameleon will show its true colors  only when it feels safe or comfortable. The  chameleon  natural color changes in reaction to its external situation, and how it feels about that situation . We as Christians can learn a lesson from the chameleon. We can't change our colors because of  our Situation, Trials, Pressure or any external influence.The only thing that should change our colors is the Power and the written Word of God.The only acceptable color shift is that from Darkness to Light. The Word of God is so Powerful, that we just cant help to show the color Red. The color red symbolizes the omnipotent  Blood  of Jesus Christ. He shed his precious blood on the cross for you and I.We should no longer accept the social signals of an utterly depraved corrupt and sin stained world. We need the Transformational power of Gods word to be active and activated in our lives. We shouldn't conform to this world,  we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds. If you are acting like a Spiritual Chameleon, all you need to do is repent. Stop committing intentional sins, and ask the Lord to change you. Read your Word, Fast, and Pray. Seek the face of God. It is never to late to change, and return to the Lord. If you look in the dictionary at the word backslider, you would probably find my picture there. I was the worst of backsliders and sinners. I say all of these things to encourage you. Please don't give up or quit, just surrender your life to Jesus.God Bless you my Friends.....       


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