Ashes Of Joy - by Randall Nelsen
How does a Man find Joy in Ashes?
Or Sunlight in the Shade of Darkened Hours?
How do we wipe away the Falling Tears
When each Drop is the Rain of Sorrow?
How do we Remain Unchanged
When each day is Stained with Pain?
And our heart not become a Bitter Taste most Sour.
Is not the Fragrance Spread
In the Crushed Petals of a Flower
For like a Rose Crowned with Thorns
He wore my Sin, and Pain,
He scorned the shame,
And took the Blame
And Still Remained Unchanged, the Same
 In the Likeness of a Flower
Whose Leaves were Crushed and Bright Red Gush?
Poured out such a Mighty Power
My Tears he Bled and Sorrows Shed
To find their Greater Worth
The Aroma of Salvation Spread
As each Teardrop Touched the Earth.


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