Message - The Carnival

Do you remember when you were a child, and how you liked to go to the Carnival. You used to stuff yourself with cotton candy and ride the ferris wheel. You liked to go and play all the different games so you could win a Giant stuffed Bear, or a Gold fish. You liked the different attractions and rides like the Hall of Mirrors or the Spinner ride...Many different things to Touch, Taste, Smell, and See.
 These are Things that satisfy the belly, the appetite. The Carnival represents a Type ,  a symbol and a Metaphor for the things of this World. The Lusts and Pleasures of the Flesh. Remember how the Booth workers would always try to lure you over to their booths. They hoped you would spend 20 bucks on a two dollar item.  You see its just like the devil, he tries to lure you away from God, with worthless things of this world.  Maybe you say "I don't believe in God.",  He is deceiving you. He is doing a Magic trick and blinding you to the truth.  He is a Liar, and there is no truth in him. He uses the Lust of the Eye, The Lust of the Flesh, and The Pride of Life to lure and snare people.The word Carnival is a word that  means Flesh. We need to realize that Jesus has set us free from the things and lusts of this world. We dont have to fall to the temptations of this world. The next time the devil tries to lure you to his booth, let him know that your Soul is worth more than a two Dollar Toy. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.Bind him in the name of Jesus. If you are not saved, and you don't know the lord, then just repeat the following words. 

Repeat this Prayer 

I am A Sinner
You Died For all of my sins on the cross, and rose to eternal life on the third Day.
I thank you for paying for all my sins, with the blood that you shed. 
I now turn from my sins, and I ask you to come into my heart.
Be my Lord and Savior, Change me, Wash me,  Heal my heart and Mind.
I ask these things In Your Precious Name.
Thank You Jesus.
Congratulations you are a brand new creation, get a bible as soon as you can and start reading the book of Matthew or John. Make sure to pray every day even if its for a short time. Please contact me. Send me an Email or a message on facebook and let me know what has  happened.
God Bless You....


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