The Voice of Victory - 01/14/22

 The Voice of Victory

Prophetic Word (01/14/22)

Lift up your heads and Rejoice my people,

For the hour of your Victory is at hand. 

I have Overcome all of your enemies,

and I have Overcome the World.

Do not Fear my people, 

Do not Worry my little Children.

for I the Lord am Enthroned on High and the Earth is my Footstool.

Shout with a Great shout of Victory.

Lift up your voice to the Heavens.

Roar with a Mighty Roar,

and Shout with a Voice of Victory.

For I am about to bring down the Walls of your Enemies.

Just as Jericho fell, so shall the walls of the enemy of my people fall.

They shall fall down in a Great Heap

Those who have Ears to hear,

Hear what the Spirit says.

For I the Lord am Mighty to Save.

None shall stand against the Might and Power of my Spirit.

None shall Oppose me and Stand

For my Voice is the Voice of Victory,

and with my own Righteous Right hand I shall beat down the enemies of my people.

All of them shall fall,

and bow their heads before me.

They shall not lift up their heads when I am finished with them

The Enemy believes that he has Won,

but he has not.

He has fallen into a trap of his own making.

His own words and deeds have ensnared him.

They testify against him.

In this New Season you will begin to see my Victory manifest in the Physical.

You will hear the sound of the Trumpet grow louder and louder

as I overtake all of your enemies.

All of the unseen things which I have done in the Spiritual you shall begin to see them visibly manifest at this Time and in this New Season.

You shall see the evidence of my Victory declare itself to the Nations.

Those who have Ears to Hear 

Hear what the Spirit says.

Your enemy has fallen.

For I have sent Warring angels to Oppose and fight against all of the Powers and Principalities, and against all of the demonic forces that have established themselves in this Nation and all over the world.

In a single hour they shall fall.

They shall fall and they shall shriek in terror when they comprehend what I have done to them.

Those who have Ears to Hear

Hear what the Spirit of the Lord says to you this day.

To the vessels of wickedness in places of Power and False Authority I the lord say this.

You shall fall one after another like dominoes stacked closely together, 

one against the other.

Just as dominoes fall so shall your fall take down all those in agreement with you.

Saith the Lord.

You shall fall down together in a Great heap with none to rescue you.

For I am about to bring forth a Triumphal procession in the Sight of the whole world.

I will make a Spectacle of you

and Expose your nakedness for all to see.

At this time the captors shall be taken captive, and the hunters shall become the hunted

For I the Lord will do it.

I will make a Show of them for what they have done.

Those who sought to enslave you shall be led away in their own chains.

For i shall lead all of these Wicked people away into Judgement.

Away they shall go to the gallows that they had prepared for you.

Just as Wicked Haman did when I declared judgement upon his house for he sought to Murder my chosen people.

You shall see these people no more.

Some will depart in chains, and others in caskets,

from both Political Parties.

For I the Lord shall judge them.

I shall judge them for I am a Righteous Judge, and a Mighty God.

I shall judge all of them who have  continually opposed my Spirit and refused to Repent.

I shall judge those who have become confederate with a Lie and who have  knowingly participated in a Great Deception.

They have stained their hands with the Blood of many and for this 

They will face my Judgement.

All of them who for money and power have sold this nation my nation

to its enemies, I say this,

you will also face my Judgement. 

For you have been weighed in the balance and been found wanting. 

My people shall bear the Yoke of your Lies and Deception 

no more

no more


Saith the Lord


For I the Lord have declared its end and the hour of it's fall has been determined.

Many Awaken at this hour,

Many people shall come to me.

Multitudes and Multitudes that once lingered in the Valley of Decision shall come to the Light of my Salvation in this hour.

In this Great and final move of my Spirit

before I return to gather my people.

Know this my children, 

all that has happened,

even the evil things that the enemy has used to enslave you,

I have allowed and used for a Greater purpose.

A plan and a purpose which he has not perceived.  

A plan and a purpose which I shall use by the word of my mouth to turn all things in your favor.

For these wicked plans and these Wicked people I have used To Awaken and Stir my own people.

I have used them as unwilling tools in my own perfect plan to call many people unto the Great and Glorious Harvest of my Salvation.

For what the enemy has used for evil I have used and repurposed To bring about a Greater Good.

Those who have Ears to Hear 

Hear what the Spirit of the Lord says to you this day.


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