EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE - Prophetic Word 01/09/22

 Prophetic Word 1/09/22

Exposure, Exposure, Exposure.

Those who have Ears to Hear

Hear what the Spirit says.

I have been Longsuffering with the Wicked, and many times I have called them to repentance. 

I have warned them many times, 

but they wouldn't heed my voice.

Neither would they turn at my rebuke.

They have hardened their hearts against me just as Pharaoh did,

when he tested me in Egypt

He Tested my Spirit,

when he sought to destroy my people. 

I gave him time and a season,

to hearken unto my voice,

for I am a Merciful God.

But he wouldn't turn.

Instead of turning, 

he hardened his heart against me, and he continually resisted my Spirit.

These Wicked people have also  resisted me.

For they have both the heart and spirit of Pharaoh within them.

Their hearts desire is to enslave and rule over you, 

but I the Lord say this to you 

Do not Fear.

Do not Fear.

Do not Fear.

For I am on the Throne,

and I hold All things in my 

nail scarred hands.

Do not fear my people, 

and do not worry my little children.

For It shall not be so.

It shall not come to pass.

Saith the Lord.

Those who have ears to hear, 

hear what the Spirit says.

These Wicked people worship at the altar of Pharaoh.

They worship false god's, and they offer blood sacrifices to them.

Their false god's have no Power, 

and in their time of trouble their false god's shall be unable to deliver them.

This will all happen now.

It will happen now in this present time.

For now is the time, and now is the season of their Judgement.

Saith God.

I am the one True God

There is no other,

I know not one.

There is no other God besides me,

and there were no Gods before me.

I am the First 

and I am the Last

I am the Alpha

and I am the Omega

I am the Great I am.

Those who have Ears to hear

hear what the Spirit says.

For in this season,

and in this hour,

I will declare

My Righteous Judgement

upon the Spirit of Pharaoh.

Yes I

Even I

Will do this now.

I Will do this now,

In this present time and season. 

Do you not see it,

do you not perceive it?

For even now it has already begun.

Their time of Repentance and the Window of my Mercy has closed.

Now is the time of my Righteous Judgement.

It is upon them, and it has Overtaken 


There is nothing that can stop or prevent what I am now doing.

For I the Lord have Overtaken them.

Even as the Eagle Overtakes the Prey

So I the Lord have Overtaken them.

I have caught them up.

Their blood is upon their own heads 

For they have fallen into a trap of their own making, 

for their own words and deeds have accused and ensnared them.

They have become a Prey to their words and deeds, which are all lies, and they have become entrapped by their Great Deception.

This Great Deception which they have used to deceive the hearts of many.

Their words, their plans, and their deeds, 

I will now Judge saith the Lord.

For now is the time, and now is the hour of my Judgement.

It has arrived.

I have weighed the nations in the balance, and they have been found  wanting.

Everything that they have done,

and all the evil things they have participated in,

I will Judge.

I am Longsuffering,

and I am Merciful,

but I will not always strive with man.

For now in this hour, 

I will reveal the motives and lies that these Wicked people have perpetrated against my people and the nations.

Yes I, Even I 

Will Expose the many things that have been hidden behind closed doors,

and the evil things planned in secret places.

Know this Saith the Lord.

I See You,

you who have made a Practice of Wickedness,

and a Trade out of Deception.

I the Lord will judge you.

Nothing is hidden in the sight of my eyes, 

for I See all things, and all things are naked before me.

Those who have ears to hear, 

hear what the Spirit says.

In this New Season there will be Mass Exposure.

Many Shocking things will be revealed back to back.

Events will fall one after another, like dominoes.

All of these things that I reveal,

I will bring into Judgement.

For I the Lord,

am a revealer of hidden things.

I examine all things,

even the thoughts and Intents of the hearts of men.

All things stand Naked before the Sight of my eyes. 

Saith the Lord.

They have planned to bring about a reset in their own making,

and in their own image.

But I the Lord will Reset their reset. They have planned to bring into Subjugation the Nations

But they will become subject to their own Subjugation.

Saith the Lord.

To the W.H.O. I have this to say.

Who are you

that you would Oppose me?

Know that my Wrath is also upon you. You Will also be Judged.

For the Blood of many people is on your hands.

To those in places and positions of authority.

Some of you will leave in shackles while others will depart in caskets.

Because of the Blood that is on your hands.

To my People I say this

Your deliverance is at hand 

For I the Lord am Mighty to Save.

Stand by the Might and Power of my Holy Spirit 

Do not Fear but Trust in and stand upon my Word.

Those who have ears to hear,

hear what the Spirit says

For I the Lord will bring forth a Great Unveiling at this time.

All that they have sought to Veil,

to deceive, 

and to cover up,

I will unveil

Saith the Lord.

Their table shall become a curse

and a recompense to them.

The food that they have prepared for others they shall partake of

they shall consume all of it,

every bite, and every last morsel.

Those who eat from their table and those provide food for their table.

I will also judge, saith the Lord.

I will judge them for every deed that

they have done and the blood that covers their hands.

I will hold them accountable for their Wickedness 

Those who have Ears to Hear

Hear what the Spirit says

Behold for I the Lord am about to do a New thing in the earth.

There will be such a move of my Spirit that the hearts of multitudes shall come to me.

They shall run to me and receive me

They shall know my name 

I shall call them my people, 

That were not my people 

and they shall call me their God.

I will give them a New Life, a New Heart, and I will put my Holy Spirit in them saith the Lord.

Israel O Israel 

I am also Calling you.

My Chosen People 

My Great Reward.

Come to me.

Come to me now my people.

For you my tears fall from my eyes all the day long.

Many tears of Blood I have shed for my People.

My Chosen people, 

My Chosen Treasure,

The Apple of my eye.

Come unto me,

and I will Show you who I am.

Come unto me now my people.

for even though there is a 

New Season in the earth

the time remains short

Before the appointed time of my


A Time is soon coming when I shall gather my people unto myself.

You do not have to endure the Great Tribulation!

If you are willing, you can receive me now.

Come to me and receive Eternal Life.

Saith the Lord.

Those who have Ears to Hear 

Hear what the Spirit says.


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