Prophetic Word - (5/14/21) - Please Share this!

 Prophetic Word received 5/14/21

Hear this saith the Lord

I am about to do a Strange thing.

I am about to do something in this Nation that has never been done before.

It is at the door and it will surely come to pass.

In a single day I will change everything.

I will shake with a Great shaking all that can be shaken. 

All that find their root in me shall never be shaken, and All

that choose to Abide in me shall remain.

All who abide not in me shall 

be shaken, they shall be cut off and cast down.

Unless you abide in me and I abide in you, there shall be no fruit.

All that abides in me shall produce Good fruit.

Some 30, some 60 and some a hundred fold 

saith the Lord.

They will come because they hear my voice, they follow me, and they obey me. 

They are not just hearers but doers of my Word.

I Will receive them saith the Lord

They Will sit in my Presence, and they shall Feast at my table.

Because I know them they shall be with me always. 

I will never leave them or forsake them.

I will serve them and comfort them, and I will wipe away All of their tears

saith the Lord.

They will find Rest in my Spirit,

for it is my Spirit that brings rest and it is my Spirit that rests upon them filling them with my Word and my Righteousness. 

I will bring the increase and the overflow saith the Lord.

I Will bring forth Fountains of Living water and fill cisterns that never run dry.

I Will bring a New Refreshing upon. The Land saith the Lord

 I will bring forth Rivers in the desert and streams in the Wilderness.

A mist shall rise up from the earth and the rain shall fall upon a dry and thirsty land.

I will send a Rushing Mighty Wind 

Those who have ears to Hear

Hear what the Spirit says.

To those who do not know me 

and to those who know of me but resist me, 

Hear what the Spirit has to say.

Repent, Repent, Repent saith the Lord

Turn from your sins and your Wicked ways, for the time is short, the hour is Late, and I am at the door.

Turn to me for I am a Merciful God.

 I Will have Mercy on all who turn to me, for Today is the day of salvation and this hour is the hour of my Visitation saith the Lord.

Rend your Hearts and not your Garments.

Humble yourselves before me.

Honor me with your Hearts and not your lips.

Seek me with all of your Heart while there is still time and you will find me.

Seek me before it's too late for my hand is outstretched all day long to a stubborn and obstinate people.

I take no pleasure in the death of the Wicked, for my desire is that all would choose me, that All would turn to me and receive eternal life.

But many shall perish for they walk in their own ways and on the Broad path of Destruction.

Their desire is their bellies and there Lust is never filled.

My tears fall for them. 

They fall like rivers always.

Falling and overflowing for the Lost whose path is death and though they live they are dead.

Seek me and find me saith the Lord for I am near to the Brokenheared and

I hear the cry of the Broken.

Call upon my name, Call upon me and be saved.

Why should you perish saith the Lord when you could choose Life and why do you choose death when my Son has nullified its Judgement.

You wicked people why do you always resist my Spirit. 

I send my prophets and messengers  

to warn you day after day but you harden your hearts against me

Again I say Repent while there is time

For today is the day of Salvation and this is the hour of the

Great Awakening saith the Lord.

I have weighed many in the balances and they have been found wanting but those who have stood in this time of testing will find my Favor and a Blessing.

All that suffer for my name and whose faith remains steadfast in this time of Persecution shall do Great things by the Might of my Spirit. 

They shall do Exploits and many Signs and Wonders shall be seen in this Time of Harvest.

Let this be a sign to you that you will know and that you will see for the whole World will know and the Whole world will see the sign.

They will know and they will see that there is a Mighty God in Heaven when I restore my Servant Donald Trump to his office and restore Rightousness in this Nation and I shall receive all the Glory saith the Lord.

 I will Judge those that have come against me and against my people

saith the Lord, and all who have tried 

 to stop the Move of My Spirit

 and Will.

Those who have ears to Hear 

Hear what the Spirit says.

Turn to me that i might have Mercy on you. 

There will be a Harvest for my Kingdom and a Final work before I come for my Bride.

 I shall set this nation on Fire for my Name not the fire made by human hands but of my Spirit and I will set this nation on fire for me.

Children will preach my Word and I will stir up my Spirit in this generation in those who have not known me.

They shall have Visions and the shall dream dreams.

I will use them and do a New work in them for my Glory saith God.

There is no Power in the Heavens

There is no Power in the Earth

There is no Knowledge beside me and There is no Wisdom before me

That will stop my Spirit saith God

For it is not by Power nor by Might 

But by My Spirit saith the Lord that I will accomplish my Purpose and Plan in this Nation and World.

It will be an ensign and a Banner, 

a Sign and a Wonder that the Whole World will see.

They will see and they will know and They will come to me and call upon my name that I might save them with my own Righteous right hand. 

Those who have ears to hear Hear what the Spirit says.


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