Awake Sleeper - Prophetic Word received 5/18/21


Prophetic Word (5/18/21)

Awake Sleeper 

Those who have ears to Hear,

Hear what the Spirit says.

Awake, sleeper, 

and arise from the dead, 

and Christ will shine on you.

Thus saith the Lord

My voice Thunders in the Heavens

and it Roars upon the earth.

For I shall Roar with a Mighty Roar and Awaken my people.

All who are called by my name

shall Awaken.

For this shall be called the hour of the Great Awakening.

For I shall Roar and I shall Awaken my people from their slumber.

Saith the Lord.

Multitudes and Multitudes are in the Valley of Decision

For the day of the Lord is near in the Valley of Decision.

In the Valley of Decision Multitudes will make a decision

They will either choose Life or they will choose death

But they will choose

when they Hear my Mighty Roar.

Those who have ears to Hear,

Hear what the Spirit says.

From many Nations they will come to me.

Multitudes shall come to me in this time and in this season.

For this is the hour of the 

Great Awakening.

This is the hour of my Visitation.

This is the hour of my Spirit, 

and the hour of Great Revival, 

which is the Mighty work of my own hand.

For by my own Righteous Hand, and by my Spirit

I shall Awaken Many, and 

although they walk among the Dead

They shall Awaken, they shall arise and they shall Live, 

all that choose Life saith the Lord.

They will hear my Roar and Awaken. 

They will come to me and they will Live among the Living.

They shall hear my voice and know me and I shall know them.

I shall give them a New name and a New life saith the Lord.

It is not so with the Wicked for I shall Thunder and I shall Roar against them saith the Lord as I did at the Walls of Jericho and in Pharoah's Palace when I made myself known among the Nations and Multitudes 

Yes all who exalt themselves against  me shall fall and be broken. They shall fall as Jezebel fell who played the harlot against me and sought to Kill my Servants and Prophets.

Those who have Ears to Hear,

Hear what the Spirit says.

Woe unto you, you wicked generation for a Great calamity falls upon you

If you continue to oppose me and the Strange and Awesome work that I shall bring to pass in this time.

Turn and repent that I might have mercy on you saith the Lord.

Those who have ears to Hear Hear what The Spirit says

For I AM the Way

I am the Truth

and I am the Life

No one shall come to the Father 

Except through me

For there is no other saith the Lord.

No I know not one.

There is no God besides me.

I AM the Alpha and Omega

I AM the one who is and who was and who is to come.

I AM the Great I AM.

Though I came once as a Lamb

Now I shall come as a Roaring Lion.

I come to Roar and to Awaken all that can be Awakened and I come to  Shake all that can be Shaken.

Even the very foundations of the Heavens and the Earth.

There shall be signs in the Heavens and the Earth.

I shall stir up a fire below and a Shaking above.

The Land and all its inhabitants shall Tremble before me.

For I AM and there is no other

Saith the Lord.

Those who have Ears to Hear 

Hear what the Spirit says

I have heard the cries of my people they have reached my ears.

I have seen the Tears of my people. I shall remember them and they shall not be in vain.

Hear this my children

and know this my people 

though you weep and cry out to me for Justice know that I have heard you for I AM not far from you 

saith God.

I AM near to the Brokenhearted and the humble, and to all that call upon my name.

Can a woman forget her nursing child,

And not have compassion on the son of her womb?

Surely they may forget,

Yet I will not forget you.

See I have inscribed you on the

Palms of my hands.

I have seen your many tears and I have counted each one.

You have declared my Life before you

You have recorded my Sorrows 

You have collected my tears and Kept them in a bottle.

Know this my people though your tears fall like rain upon the dry earth I shall receive them

for it is written

Those who sow in tears

Shall reap in joy.

He who continually goes forth weeping,

Bearing seed for sowing,

Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,

Bringing his sheaves with him.

Those who have ears to Hear 

Hear what the Spirit says.

My mercy and Grace are for all who will come to me, and Abide in me.

Many will not turn and repent of their wicked ways. They mock my people all day long and scorn my prophets 

They say there no God but there own words shall testify against them when they kneel before me saith the Lord.

For they have come against my Spirit 

and have Awakened my Wrath, they have kindled my Judgement.

Upon their own heads.

For it is Written

Look, all you who kindle a fire, who encircle yourselves with torches; walk in the light of your fire and of the torches you have lit.This is what you’ll get from my hand you will lie down in a place of torment.

Those Who have ears to Hear

Hear What the Spirit says.

I have given them time to repent but they would not.

I have given them time to turn but they won't.

I  have warned them time after time through my Servants and Prophets

But they are blind and they are deaf.

They Walk in Darkness because they hate the Light.

They do not listen because they do not want to Listen and they do not hear because they do not want to hear for they are a stiff necked people

Saith the Lord

I have wanted Mercy but they have rejected me. 

They have hated me with a cruel hatred.

They have rejected me and they have rejected my Son who died for them.

They have refused My Mercy and they have mocked my Grace.

Saith God.

Therefore they shall reap what they have sown and eat the harvest of their own hands.

They have made a covenant with death and they shall eat of it's portion They shall eat of it but it shall be as Herod's portion who sought to destroy my people and who reaped the works of his own arrogance and Pride.

 All who have ears to Hear 

Hear what the Spirit says.


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