Message - Kissing Frogs

    I have a question for all the Ladies out there. Why are you kissing a frog and Hoping for a  prince?

A Kiss, even a Good kiss won't change a frog. A Frog is a Frog. You need to realize that the only thing that can change your frog is the free gift of Salvation given by Jesus Christ. Only God can change your man. All you can do is pray for him, and encourage him to read the Bible.
The Holy Spirit is the only one that is able to transform a Frog into a new Creation. In the Bible, Frogs are compared to unclean Spirits, the only thing that can drive out the unclean spirit which is the "Frog", is the Power of God. Just remember only God can turn your frog into a prince which is the Man of God that you desire him to become.Be careful ladies if you keep kissing the frog you might just become one, in other words love your man but don't learn his ways don't  follow or imitate the things that he does that you know are ungodly. Be a strong example as a woman of God so that it might cause conviction and draw him to God and salvation or a closer
walk if he does know the Lord. Continue to act like a princess because you are, you are a daughter of the King Jesus Christ. Allow 
 the King to turn your frog into a prince because as nice as your kiss are you cant change him because that work belongs to the Holy Spirit......
 God Bless you Frogkisser 8)    


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