Message - Spiritual Tumbleweeds

 Spiritual Tumbleweeds
by Randy Nelsen

I was driving today and I saw something strange.Do you know when you see something, and it strikes you in a strange way? That is what happened today, when I was at my Job. I was driving and I glanced over and noticed a field. The field was Green but then, as I continued to look, I noticed a bunch of tumbleweeds in the field.
They were very large and dried out. They were now empty husks of the living plants that they used to be. The wind was blowing very hard and it looked like they might be carried away at any moment, by a strong gust of wind. It was then that the Lord began to deposit some Ideas into my Spirit. The Lord began to teach me some things that resonated within my heart, and I would like to share them with you.You see I think that the Tumbleweed is a picture of us Spiritually, when we are not getting watered enough by Gods Word. We can become Spiritually dehydrated just like a Tumbleweed. The Word of God is  our Spiritual Drink its like a kind of Spiritual Watering of our Soul. The Bible says this in (1 Cor 3:6-7) I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.  So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.Here we can see that the Apostle Paul is trying to convey an important Idea. He is using an analogy comparing us to watered plants.The seed represents the Word of God , and each time that we read the Word of God or someone teaches us the scriptures, we are being watered. It quenches our spiritual thirst. He finishes by saying that God Gives the Increase in other words, he causes us to grow in Him, by Him, and through Him. There is also another important thing about tumbleweeds that we can learn. Tumbleweeds are not rooted in the Ground they are Dead, so consequently they can be carried away by the wind. We also can be carried away by the wind if we are not firmly rooted in Christ The Living Word. We can become like a tumbleweed that is carried away by the wind. The wind represents the ways and things of this world, and the voices in and of the world. All of these voice are like the winds that oppose Gods word. The Bible teaches us this in (Ephesians 4:14) Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.The winds of  the world can carry us away from God. We need to water ourselves with Gods Word everyday; so that  we don't become dry and dead Spiritually. We need to remain firmly rooted in Jesus Christ, so that we don't end up looking like a Spiritual Tumbleweed.  


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