Thursday, July 7, 2011

Message - Hide & Seek

Have You ever played hide and seek when you were a child ? Do you remember how you would try and find a hiding place, that nobody would think of ? You would hide under a bed or behind the couch, or maybe you hid behind some old clothes in a dark closet. You thought that they would never find you. Sometimes they never would find you, and others times you were caught.But even if you were never found ,you had to eventually get up and come out of your hiding place.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Message - Spiritual Chameleon

   Spiritual Chameleons

 have always thought that chameleons 
were very fascinating creatures. They can blend in with their surroundings. You might walk past a chameleon on a tree or rock and not even realize it. Chameleons are famous for their innate ability to camouflage themselves.