The Attributes of God - God's Mercy (PT 1)

The Attributes of God 

God's Mercy (Pt 1)

A Journey into the Father's Heart  

A.W. Tozer  

(Pt 1 - Volume 1 - Pg 81-82)

  God's Mercy

One fact about the mercy of God is that it never began to be. I've heard of men who were hard-hearted or careless, but they began to get stirred up, and mercy blossomed forth. But it never was so with God. God never lay in lethargy without His compassion. God's mercy is simply what God is—uncreated and eternal—and never began to be. It always was.

Heaven and Earth were yet unmade, and the stars were yet unformed. All that space men are talking about now was only a thought in the mind of God. God was as merciful as He is now. And not only did it never begin to be, but the mercy of God also has never been any more than it is now.

Scientists tell us that there are heavenly bodies that disappeared in a grand explosion so many light-years away that it will yet be thousands of Earth years before their light stops shining. The light is still coming, though the source of the light has long ceased to be. There are stars that burn bright and then dim down low again. But the mercy of God has never been any more than it is now for the simple reason that the mercy of God is infinite. Anything that is infinite can't be less than it is and can't be any more than it is. It is infinite—boundless, unlimited. It has no measurements on any side. Measurements are created things, and God is uncreated.

The mercy of God has never been any more than now, and the mercy of God will never be any less than now. Don't imagine that when the day of judgment comes, God will turn off His mercy as the sun goes behind a cloud or as you turn off a spigot. Don't think for a minute that the mercy of God will cease to be. The mercy of God will never be any less than it is now because infinite cannot cease to be infinite, and the perfect cannot admit an imperfection.

Again, nothing that occurs can increase the mercy of God or diminish the mercy of God or alter the quality of the mercy of God. For instance, the Cross of Christ—when Jesus died on the cross, the mercy of God did not become any greater. It could not become any greater, for it was already infinite. We get the odd notion that God is showing mercy because Jesus died. No, Jesus died because God is showing mercy. It was the mercy of God that gave us Calvary, not Calvary that gave us mercy. If God had not been merciful, there would have been no incarnation, no babe in the manger, no man on the cross, and no open tomb. God has mercy enough to enfold the whole universe in His heart, and nothing anybody ever did could diminish the mercy of God.

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