The Attributes of God - God's Infinitude (PT 2)

God's Infinitude (Pt 2)

A Journey into the Father's Heart

Pages 6-7 by A.W. Tozer

What About Power?

What about power? If God had all the power there is except a little bit, and if somebody else had a little bit of power hoarded that God couldn't get to, then we couldn't worship God. We couldn't say that this God is of infinite power because He wouldn't be of infinite power. He’d just be close to it. While He would be more powerful than any other being and perhaps even more powerful than all the things in the universe lumped together, He still would have a defect, and therefore, He couldn't be God.

Our God is perfect—perfect in knowledge and power. If God had goodness but there was one spot in God that wasn't good, then He wouldn't be our God and Father. If God had love but didn't have all the love—just 99 and 9/10% of the love, or even a higher percentage—God still wouldn't be God. God, to be God, must be infinite in all that He is. He must have no bound and no limit, no stopping place, no point beyond which He can't go. When you think of God, or anything about God, you'll have to think infinitely about God.


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