Chamelons (pt 2) 06/19/21


Chameleons (Pt 2) 06/19/21

Trump Will be Reinstated Soon.

God is about to Reveal Everything even the True colors of all the Chameleons. Many will Doubt these Words, but I'm sharing this so that when it happens you will hopefully understand that God told you, not me. 

This will be the Greatest Scandal in the History of this Country. This will also be one of Biggest Deceptions that the World has ever seen. Many will be Shocked at what is about to happen. Afterwards many will acknowledge that there must be a God in Heaven. They will know this because what is about to happen only God could do. Many other Scandals on both sides of the Political Spectrum will be revealed. The Many Evil deeds that men have done Both Republican and Democrat will be Exposed before the Whole World. Death is coming for many in positions of Power because they have done these things for a Long time and wouldn't Repent.The Many Enemies of God's People are about to attempt to make a Last Stand. They are going to attempt to Obstruct and Divert the Truth but in the End they will Fail. Stand Firm in your Faith not by the Sight of your Eyes.

Those who have Ears to Hear

Hear What the Spirit Says.

26 “Does the hawk fly by your wisdom,
And spread its wings toward the south?
27 Does the eagle mount up at your command,
And make its nest on high?
28 On the rock it dwells and resides,
On the crag of the rock and the stronghold.
29 From there it spies out the prey;
Its eyes observe from afar.
30 Its young ones suck up blood;
And where the slain are, there it is.
Job 39:26-30

Both Political Parties have a Great Amount of Blood on their Hands. They have Blood on their Hands both Literally and Figuratively. This is about much more than just the Election. This is also regarding the Pervasive Wickedness and Corruption in our Government and many others around the World. God has the Final Word. They have gotten away (So they think) with all of these Evil things for so long that they think they are Chameleons. They Believe that they are untouchable. God has and will continue to frustrate and Expose all of their Plans. He will do this because He is about to bring Judgement to All of them.


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