Theology - Baptism Of The Spirit Vs Baptism in The Spirit - By Randall Nelsen

The Baptism Of The Spirit Vs The Baptism in The Spirit
By Randall Nelsen

An important distinction must be made regarding Baptism. Being filled with the Spirit is not the same as the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Baptism of the Spirit is when a person first accepts Christ and is born again; they receive Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and are Spiritually Baptized, or born again. A person cannot receive the Spirit of God until they accept Christ, and the exact moment that they accept him, the Holy spirit enters and indwells them. This is not the baptism of power or being filled the Holy spirit, it is the Baptism of rebirth and salvation where God in the form of the Holy Spirit first  indwells a person.
The Baptism in the Spirit is what we saw in the opening chapters of the book of acts, in the upper room. This Baptism in the Spirit is usually initiated through prayer or the laying on of hands. Baptism in the Spirit is the filling up and  also the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. It also must be noted that sometimes God has chosen to come upon, or move upon a person and fill them with  Power without any action or initiative of their own. When a person receives the Lord they are instantaneously born again and regenerated spiritually. They are brought to life from their dead natural spiritual state of sin and death. Nevertheless as stated earlier, the baptism in the Spirit is when the believer is equipped with power, and they are normally two separate occurrences.God could choose to fill the person with power at the moment they accept him but that is not how it usually happens. You receive the Holy Spirit when you receive Christ, but you are baptized and filled with the power (dunamis (GK) when you are baptized in the spirit. When you are later baptized in the Spirit, is when God equips you for his work. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is when we are equipped with power to do Gods work and spread the Gospel. When we are baptized in the Spirit the Holy Spirit empowers us to use the specific spiritual Gifts that God has given us individually, according to his will. The most important thing is that we accept Jesus Christ, which is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. First we must receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit then we must also seek and pray for the Baptism in  the Holy Spirits Power. If we are saved but lack the Baptism in the Spirit then we will also lack the necessary spiritual power to do Gods work as effectively as we could.

Jesus told his disciples these important words

Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem[a] until you are endued with power from on high.” Luke 24:49
New King James Version (NKJV)


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