Message - Passion The Road To Destiny (Part 1 & 2)- Sermon - Randall Nelsen

(Click the Picture above to listen to part 1. 
(Part 2 is below the car video)

Passion The Road TO Destiny

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6

 I want to ask everyone a Question tonight
And I want you to really think it over and ask yourselves a Question 
“What is Passion, do I have Passion?”

Let me ask you another question tonight. If your Faith was a Car what would it look like, and what kind of car would you be driving? 
I want you to watch this video and think about that question.

“Passion Is Like a Vehicle through it the Lord will take you places you have never been or even dreamed of”
“The Road to Destiny is Paved with the Stones of Passion, and we are those Stones”

“If your passion and your faith are like cars then lets talk about some cars.
”Some of you might be offended by the time I’m
Finished talking about cars but that’s okay amen. Say that’s okay with me.”

The Luxury Car – some of you will only get in the car if you can ride first class in other words you have a serve me first type of Christianity

The Low-rider – Some of you want to drive a Low-rider you want to keep your old mentality you want to call yourself a Christian and still live the life of a gangster

The Hybrid- Some of you Like Hybrids cars you want to drive
 like the devil Monday through Thursday and want to drive to church in a spiritual Hybrid the rest of the week. You need to make a choice as to what kind of car you want don’t drive a Hybrid

The Cadillac – Some of you like to drive a Cadillac
 a Christian is okay as long as you are comfortable as long as no one bothers you as long as the lord does not ask you to do anything outrageous like Go to the streets or read your bible every day or pray more than five minutes you

The A.T.V –
 I want an All Terrain Vehicle, you must realize that Passion is like an all terrain vehicle of Faith because through it God can take you anywhere and do anything in it you are able to drive over the roughest terrain and through the worst kind of storm or trial or situation you can climb mountains in an A.T.V This is what the army and the Special forces use and this is exactly the kind of vehicle that pleases God

Passion is Something and if it is something then we can define it. Tonight I want to go over some of the definitions of the word Passion.

Passion Is

 A Trailblazer
Is Trailblazing sets the Road of Your Destiny on Fire so that others can Go where God is Taking you

Our Founders Blazed the Trail and brought us to where we are today, now we must be willing to Blaze a Trail for our Children and all of those who Join us on the Road of Destiny”

. An Over comer
Passion breaks all barriers The Rocket you saw on the Video was the first Land vehicle to break the sound Barrier. God wants to break some barriers in your life to,  not just physical ones but the things of the spirit true Passion is able to overcome and conquer the Most difficult obstacles in this world

Is A Team Effort
You watched the Car in the Video you saw the man in the car but then you saw the whole team. This Church is not just a church because it has a Head a Pastor it also has a body the church the Team it takes a Team effort to reach the world for  

 Passion Motivates You
Passion propels you forward It is a Driving animating force that compels you to Go further and to reach farther than you ever thought you would be able to when I think of Passion I think of a certain woman in the Bible who knew all too well about passion she had a passion to be cleansed and healed and she knew that if she could just touch the hem of Jesus cloak that she her passion would be fulfilled

 “Passion Is the Fuel of your Faith it is the Fuel of Destiny”
Passion is Like Rocket fuel for your faith some people choose to drive along the Road of their Christianity with regular, unleaded, or even diesel fuel but Passion is different is a completely different kind of fuel it says I’m not going for a casual drive im not on a tour Bus, no Im in an all Terrain vehicle and im willing to Go wherever the Lord chooses to take me and do whatever it it is that he wants me to do.

 “Passion Inspires you, it Gives you Vision and Brings forth Revelation”

If I take off these Glasses my vision is not so good and I would not recommend driving next to me but when I put on what I need then I can see. If I have a kind of careless attitude and Christianity a Whatever Christianity then I don’t really have a desire to see Gods plan But with Passion God gives me Vision he allows the eyes of my faith to be opened and to see the hidden things of the Spirit
Vision and Inspiration are linked to each other God gives you Vision through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
“Vision is the Eyes of your Faith seeing the Road of your Destiny”
It is a Passion and a Love For God and his work that will bring forth the Inspiration and the anointing of God its is the Passion in your Heart the Fire that will allow you to see the Plan that God want to accomplish through you

A Narrow Road
Passion is a Narrow Road
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:14
The Road we travel is a Narrow road I remember when I took a wrong turn when I was going up to Shaver Lake near Fresno and I really began to learn all about passion Hallelujah you see I was on a tiny little road with thousand foot drops and I began to pray with passion oh Lord Help me now oh please let me make it I’m lost and don’t know where I’m Going
I was on a scary narrow road but that is where God had me its amazing how much passion a desperate person has fortunately I had a GPS to get me to my destination.  

Passion activates Your G.P.S

Jeremiah 29:11 says this For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Passion Gives you direction and it activates your G.P.S
The G.P.S is Gods Plan of Salvation it’s the Road map to your Destiny and It is The Word of God The Bible. The only way we can know Gods plan and make the right decisions is by an accurate plan a road-map that has contains no errors or mistakes it must be perfect infallible that is the Bible I cant stress enough how important it is to have a passion and zeal for the reading of Gods word to study it to know it and by doing this God will begin to imprint his plan within your heart and soul it will be engraved on the tablets of your heart just as the Bible says he will burn his word within you and activate his plan within your life 

Passion makes you Bold

Like the apostles in the Book of Acts It Gives you supernatural Boldness to preach to teach and to evangelize

Passion Commissions you
To Hit the Streets for Jesus Christ
Passion Commissions you to share the Gospel the good news to go out and reach the Lost and hurting and to travel to the Highways and byways the alleys and street corners of our city and world to do the work of an evangelist
Passion Looks Forward
Passion is to busy looking at the Road ahead to look into the Spiritual Rear View Mirror of the past. Philippians 3:13 says this
Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead

 Passion speaks
 it is a Voice and it says follow me
John 10:27 says this
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me

Passion Transforms You
It Gives you the the ability to make changes and adjustments and shift gears spiritually

Road Signs

“The Road of Destiny has many signs”

The Caution sign
Sometimes the sign says caution. It says caution because you are driving down a dangerous road you need to be cautious and think about where it is you are and where it is you are going

The Stop Sign
Sometimes the sign says Stop don’t go any further do not continue doing what you are doing stop the sin

The Backseat Driver
How many of you know what a backseat driver is? A backseat driver is usually a little voice maybe sitting next to you right now even. It’s a little voice that tries to tell you what to do where to go and how to do things how to drive. You know the bible talks about many voices there are many voices in this world and there arte many voices of the world. And how many of you know that the enemy Satan and his little friends have voices to they whisper and try to get you to u accept their directions and instructions but all you have do is ignore them tell them to shut their mouth in Jesus name these are the voices of the enemy The enemy is like a backseat driver you may not always see unless you choose to look behind you to your past like Lots wife did but that’s not the road of passion and that is not the place of Destiny.  




Part 2 Second half of sermon

The Rest Area
On this Christian road we can grow tired and weary. This is when we just need to pull over and allow God to comfort us, and to give us rest. It is a place of spiritual rest and it is also a person the Holy Spirit  we can have comfort in this the Holy spirit will give us rest he is the helper and the comforter of our souls. The Holy Spirit is the one that gives us rest when we are weary and we can always ask the Lord to strengthen us and help us when we are weak and tired

The U-turn
Sometimes we come to a place in our Christianity where we need to make a U-turn because we are headed in the wrong direction

The Speed Bump
Sometimes when we are driving we hit a speed bump. In other words we come to a situation or a trial or a problem and it slows us down because we were going to fast or maybe we weren’t paying attention so God allows us to hit a spiritual speed bump so that we slow down or be more careful

The Guardrail
The Guardrail is there for our protection God will not allow us to go through more than we can handle.  

The Blind Spot
Sometimes on the road of our faith we come to a blind spot where we don’t see thing around us clearly maybe we are trying to change lanes and we don’t realize that we are about to hit another car. God has a way when we are close to him of warning us about the blind spots the areas of danger when we don’t see the big picture or perceive what is going on spiritually But know this that God sees and knows everything.

Passion Brings
“Passion will Bring things into the Life of the Believer”

Persecution – A person with passion will bring persecution
It will bring problems and trials and situation but know that the word of God says this
I have overcome the world
Suffering – A passionate man or woman will suffer for the name of the Lord
Passion is the fuel of  Victory its is Victorious in all situation and circumstances you may lose some battles but as long as you abide in Jesus Christ and His Word abides in you will be more than a conqueror you will be victorious he will take you to the finish line of your faith

Passion is an action word  It does things
Predestines – Predestines you for Greatness
Prays -
Aligns You – It align the wheels of your Faith with the will of God. You Get your alignment done on a car but God wants to align the spiritual wheels of your Faith. 

Passion is the way that a man kisses his wife that is passion. I’m  sure that your wives are not satisfied with just a little peck on the cheek no she wants her husband to kiss her with passion.Song of Solomon says this Let him kiss me with with the kisses of his mouth. The Lord desires
A close relationship with you closeness and Love and genuine affection and devotion
as that of a Husband towards his wife you are the church his body his bride and likewise you need to have and develop a passionate kind of Christianity The Lord in the book of revelations says to one of his churches I wish that you were hot or cold but because you are lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth
Passion is a Person
Passion Is Love, and Love Has a Name, The Name above all Names Jesus Christ
Jesus is Love Jesus is Passion
And He showed his passion for us when he went to the cross over 2000 years ago where he shed his blood for our sins

The Crossroads
We have come to the Crossroads
The Crossroads is the place of decision,
Do you take the path of passion and destiny or do you choose the road of destruction. It is all about choice, which road will you choose? The wonderful thing about the Crossroads is that it is the Road where we can choose to come to the Cross. I want to invite you to come to the crossroads tonight to come down to the altar and choose to surrender your life to Jesus Christ the altars are open and I want to say a special prayer with those who choose the Gift of eternal Life.


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