
Showing posts from October, 2024

Spiritual Nuggets - The Narrow and Wide Gates 10/10/24

  Spiritual Nuggets   The Narrow and Wide Gates   (Matthew 7:1314)   Thursday, October 10, 2024   (Word Study)  Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13-14 (NASB) Two roads diverge, both paths made clear,   One paved with light, the other with fear.   The narrow road, though hard and steep,   Leads to life, where joy runs deep. The broad road calls with ease and pride,   Yet ends in flames where souls reside.   Each step we take must make a choice—   To heed the truth or drown out His voice. Few will walk the narrow lane,   But in its wake is heaven’s gain.   Stand firm, take heart, embrace the fight,   For Christ awaits in endless light. —Anonymous Linguistic and Theological Context   (Understanding Eiseleuo, Stenos, Pleyron, and Apoleia) In this passage, the words eiseleuo (enter

Spiritual Nuggets - Where Your Treasure Is, Your Heart Will Be Also (10/06/24)

  Spiritual Nuggets   Where Your Treasure Is, Your Heart Will Be Also   ( Matthew 6:21)   Sunday, October 6, 2024   (Word Study)   Thēsauros (θησαυρός)  Treasure "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."   Matthew 6:21 (NASB) The Treasure Box   By Randall Nelsen I had a treasure box   Filled with Silver, Pearls, and Gold.   I Had a Treasure Box   That my Hands would often Hold. I loved to watch it sparkle   As I held it in the light.   I held it in the morning.   It even sparkled in the night. Then one day I found   To my horror and dismay,   My treasure box had turned to rust—   My joy to ash and decay. How could this ever happen?   I asked myself that day.   Then I heard a still small voice,   A voice not far away. “My son, your treasure box is rust,   It lasts just for a day.   Its worth is less than ash and dust,   Its sparkle fades away. My son, I have a treasure.   There is no hidden fee.   There is no cost.   The price is paid.   This gift I give for