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Spiritual Nuggets - Endure Hardship as a Good Soldier of Christ

Spiritual Nuggets   Endure Hardship as a Good Soldier of Christ   (2 Timothy 2:14)   Daily Devotional for Thursday, September 19, 2024  In life, we all face challenges and hardships. Paul’s words to Timothy remind us that, just like soldiers, we must stay strong and focused. We are called to endure difficulties for the sake of Christ, keeping our eyes on Him and not getting sidetracked by the worries of the world. In 2 Timothy 2:14, Paul writes "You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier." — 2 Timothy 2:14 (NASB) Practical Takeaway: Stay Strong in God's Grace   Paul encourages us to draw strength from the g

Spiritual Nuggets - Hypocrites: Actors in a Religious Drama

  Spiritual Nuggets   Hypocrites: Actors in a Religious Drama   Matthew 23:27-28   (Wednesday, September 18, 2024)   Daily Devotional “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.” —Matthew 23:27-28 (NASB) (Historical Context)   Hypocrites in Greek Drama   The word hypocrite (Greek: ὑποκριτής, hypokritēs, Strong’s G5273) originally referred to an actor in ancient Greek theater—someone who performed by wearing a mask to play a role. In the theater, an actor (hypokritēs) would switch masks to portray different characters, concealing their true identity. The focus was on the external performance, not the actor’s real self. When Jesus called the Pharisees “hypocrites,” He was pointing to a similar concept: they were acting out righteousness for th

The Attributes of God - God's Immanence (Pt 1)

The Attributes of God - God's Immanence (Pt 1) A Journey into the Father's Heart A.W. Tozer (Pg 152-155) A Sense of God's Nearness   I once knelt under an apple tree in a field, along with several other preachers and a Salvation Army man, Captain Ireland. As Captain Ireland began to pray, I suddenly sensed a nearness—there was another presence. Though unseen, He had been there all along. "Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?" – Jeremiah 23:23 The Challenge of Fellowship with God   How can God continually manifest His presence to the proud and arrogant when He is so humble and lowly? How can He reveal Himself to the lukewarm and careless when He is so zealous, or to the hardened and vengeful when He is so forgiving? How can the harsh and severe experience the God who is so kind, or the calculating receive grace from the One whose love led Him to die for us?

Spiritual Nuggets - Clothed in Righteousness: Putting on the New Self

 Spiritual Nuggets   Clothed in Righteousness: Putting on the New Self   Colossians 3:9-10   (Thursday, September 12, 2024)   Daily Devotional “Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices, and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him.” —Colossians 3:9-10 (NASB)  (Historical Context)   Transformation through Clothing in Ancient Cultures In ancient times, clothing carried deep symbolic meaning, signifying one’s identity, social status, and purity. In Jewish culture, priests would put on sacred garments before entering the Temple, symbolizing their holiness and readiness to serve God (Exodus 28:2-4). Similarly, in Roman society, clothing often marked a person's status or office, such as a soldier’s armor, which represented strength and readiness for battle. Paul draws from this familiar symbolism to describe the transformation believers experience through Christ. The act

Spiritual Nuggets - Disarming the Powers: Christ’s Triumph Over Evil

  Spiritual Nuggets Disarming the Powers: Christ’s Triumph Over Evil Colossians 2:13-15 (Wednesday, September 11, 2024) Daily Devotional  “When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt (cheirographon) consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. When He had disarmed (apekdyomai) the rulers and authorities, He made a public display (deigmatizo) of them, having triumphed (thriambeuo) over them through Him.” —Colossians 2:13-15 (NASB) (Historical Context)  The Roman Triumph and Disarmament In ancient Rome, a “triumph” (Greek: thriambeuo, θριαμβεύω, Strong’s G2358) was a grand parade in which a victorious general marched through the streets, leading captive enemies in chains as spoils of war. This public display symbolized their total disarmament and the

Spiritual Nuggets Paid in Full - The Certificate of Debt

Spiritual Nuggets  Paid in Full: The Certificate of Debt   Daily Devotional  (Tuesday, September 10, 2024) “When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt (cheirographon) consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.” —Colossians 2:13-15 (NASB) (Historical Context: The Cheirographon in Roman Society)   In Roman society, the (cheirographon) (Greek: χειρόγραφον, Strong’s G5498) was a legal document that recorded a debtor’s obligation. This written record, signed by the debtor, was binding and stood as evidence of the debt owed. If the debtor failed to repay, the consequences could include imprisonment or enslavement. Once the debt was

Spiritual Nuggets - Momentary Light Suffering

Spiritual Nuggets Momentary Light Suffering Daily Devotional (Monday, September 9, 2024) "For we do not lose heart, but though our outer person is decaying, yet our inner person is being renewed day by day. For our momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal."   —2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (NASB) (Historical Context) When Paul wrote his second letter to the Corinthians, he was addressing a church that had experienced both internal division and external persecution. Paul had endured great suffering for the sake of the gospel—imprisonment, beatings, and shipwrecks. Despite all of this, he encouraged believers to "not lose heart" because the challenges they faced were temporary and would ultimately give way to eternal glory.

Spiritual Nuggets - God’s Unshakable Love

Spiritual Nuggets   God’s Unshakable Love Daily Devotional   (Friday, September 6, 2024) "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."   —Romans 8:38-39 (NASB) (Historical Context) When Paul wrote his letter to the Romans around 57 AD, the Christian community was facing severe persecution under Roman rule. Christians were marginalized, imprisoned, and sometimes executed simply for their faith. Paul’s words in Romans 8:38-39 were a message of hope and assurance for these early believers. He reminded them that no matter what external threats they faced, God’s love for them in Christ could never be broken. In our modern world, we may face different kinds of challenges—chaos, noise, uncertainty—but the truth of God's unshakable love remains the same. Poet Sarah Are

The Attributes of God - God's Grace (Part Two)

  The Attributes of God - God's Grace (Part Two)   A Journey into the Father's Heart, Volume 1   By A.W. Tozer   (Pages 103-106) Grace Is What God Is Like Grace is what God is like. Grace is God's goodness, the kindness of God's heart, the goodwill, the cordial benevolence—this is what God is like. God is like that all the time. You’ll never encounter a part of God that is hard; you will always find God gracious, at all times and toward all people, forever. You’ll never find any meanness in God, no resentment, no rancor, or ill will, for there is none there. God has no ill will toward any being. God is a God of utter kindness, cordiality, goodwill, and benevolence. And yet, all of these work in perfect harmony with God's justice and God's judgment. I believe in hell and I believe in judgment, but I also believe that there are those who God must reject because of their impenitence. Yet there will still be grace. God will still feel gracious toward all of His univ

The Attributes of God: God's Grace (Part One)

The Attributes of God: God's Grace (Part One) A Journey into the Father's Heart, Volume 1 By A.W. Tozer Pg 100-103 (Grace: The Only Means of Salvation) Here are two important truths, and I want you to take them to heart. The first truth is that no one ever was saved, no one is now saved, and no one ever will be saved except by grace. Before Moses, nobody was ever saved except by grace. During Moses's time, nobody was ever saved except by grace. After Moses, before the cross, and after the cross—during any dispensation, anywhere, anytime—nobody was ever saved in any other way than by grace. The second truth is that grace always comes by Jesus Christ. The law was given by Moses, but grace came by Jesus Christ. This does not mean that before Jesus was born of Mary, there was no grace. God dealt in grace with mankind, looking forward to the incarnation and death of Jesus before Christ came. Now that He has come and gone to the Father's right hand, God looks back upon the cr

The Attributes of God - God's Justice (PT 1)

The Attributes of God - God's Justice (PT 1) A Journey into the Father's Heart   A.W. Tozer  (Pt 1 - Volume 1- Pg 67-68)  The Passion of Christ The second answer comes from the effect of Christ's passion. The word "passion" now often refers to sex or lust, but in earlier times, it meant deep, terrible suffering. That is why we refer to Good Friday as (Passion Tide) and speak of The Passion of Christ. It is the suffering Jesus endured as He made His priestly offering with His own blood for us. Jesus Christ is God, and all that has been said about God applies to Christ. He is a unitary being who has taken on the nature of man—that God, the eternal Word who existed before man and who created man, is a unitary being without division of substance.

The Attributes of God - God's Mercy (PT 1)

The Attributes of God  God's Mercy (Pt 1) A Journey into the Father's Heart   A.W. Tozer   (Pt 1 - Volume 1 - Pg 81-82)   God's Mercy One fact about the mercy of God is that it never began to be. I've heard of men who were hard-hearted or careless, but they began to get stirred up, and mercy blossomed forth. But it never was so with God. God never lay in lethargy without His compassion. God's mercy is simply what God is—uncreated and eternal—and never began to be. It always was.

Spiritual Nuggets - Light in the Darkness

Spiritual Nuggets  (Light in the Darkness) Daily Devotional   Saturday, August 31, 2024 "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."   —John 1:5 (NASB)   Hymn by Gerhard Tersteegen: "Midst the Darkness, Storm, and Sorrow" Midst the darkness, storm, and sorrow,   One bright gleam I see;   Well I know the blessed morrow,   Christ will come for me.   'Midst the night of doubt and sadness,   When the truth shone near,   When the sun of joy and gladness   Broke forth clear and fair. Oftentimes the sky was darkened,   Ne'er the bright day broke;   All the world to me seemed darkened,   Faith seemed but a cloak.   But the gleam of light grew stronger,   Brighter day by day;   And the waiting seemed not longer   In the morning ray. Yes, I know the blessed morrow   Christ will come again;   All my grief and all my sorrow   Will be turned to gain.   He and I in that bright glory   One deep joy shall share;   Mine, to be forever with Him,

The Attributes of God - The Immensity of God

The Immensity of God (Pt 2) A Journey Into the Father’s Heart A.W. Tozer ( Volume 1 - Pg 23-24 PT 2) Scripture teaches the immensity of God. It says in Isaiah: "Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand,   And marked off the heavens by the span,   And comprehended the dust of the Earth in a measure,   Weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?"   —Isaiah 40:12 Imagine going out millions of light years into space and finding a body so vast that you could throw our entire solar system into it like throwing a shovel full of coal into a furnace. It would simply swallow up our solar system and go on. After you’ve thought of all that, remember that God contains all of that. Remember that God is outside of all things, inside of all things, and around all things. Remember that our God made it all. That is the immensity of God. The Holy Ghost is bigger than all the universe. This little hazelnut that Julian of Norwich saw: "Behold, the nations are as

Spiritual Nuggets - The Measure of God's Majesty

The Measure of God's Majesty Daily Devotional  (Friday, August 30, 2024) Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand,   And marked off the heavens by the span,   And calculated the dust of the earth by the measure,   And weighed the mountains in a balance,   And the hills in a pair of scales?   —Isaiah 40:12 (NASB) (About This Devotional)   This daily reflection seeks to draw us into awe and wonder at the incomparable majesty of God. We will explore the imagery and symbolism in Isaiah 40:12, revealing the profound truth of God’s sovereignty and power over all creation. (Scripture: Isaiah 40:12, NASB)   "Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and marked off the heavens by the span, and calculated the dust of the earth by the measure, and weighed the mountains in a balance and the hills in a pair of scales?" (Exegesis and Reflection)   In this verse, the prophet Isaiah uses vivid and poetic imagery to depict the immeasurable greatness of God. The H

The Attributes of God - God's Immensity (PT 1)

God's Immensity (Pt 1) A.W. Tozer   A Journey into the Father's Heart (Vol 1 Pg 17-20) "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"   —Matthew 16:25-26 "And your life is hid with Christ in God."   —Colossians 3:3 "Doubtless, I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ."   —Philippians 3:8 Father, we aren’t worthy to think these thoughts, and our friends are unworthy to hear them expressed. But we will try to hear worthily and speak worthily. We know that we have looked upon evil sights, heard with our ears evil words, and walked in evil ways, but now we trust that is behind us, and our eyes are upon You. Show Thyself to us, O God. Shepherd, sweet Wonder, Jesus,

Breaking Religious Theology (Module 1)

(Module 1) Typological Linking—How Jesus' Parables, Nature, and Scripture Reveal Infinite Spiritual Truths _"God's Word is His living fingerprint on His creation. It marks it, defines it, and forms it into the shape He desires. It is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and omni-temporal."_   — Randall Nelsen (Introduction) Jesus often used parables to convey deep spiritual truths by setting them alongside everyday objects or concepts familiar to His audience. The Greek word (παραβολή) (parabolē, Strong's G3850), meaning "a setting beside," captures this method perfectly. Jesus’ parables serve as a bridge between the natural and the spiritual, illustrating how physical realities can reveal divine truths. This approach is closely related to (typology), a biblical interpretive method where events, objects, or people in the Old Testament are seen as prefiguring or foreshadowing events, objects, or people in the New Testament. The word (τύπος) (typos, Strong

Barring No Place

Barring No Place Profane Evangelism By Mark Van Houten  (Pages 84-88) Many Christians view bars as the antithesis of the church. What they don't realize is that by deciding not to set foot in a bar, they make it easier for unbelievers to reach a similar resolve—not to set foot in a church. What these Christians don't realize is that bars are excellent places for them to exhibit God's presence in every aspect of life. I have seen more people come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ in bars than anywhere else. I emphasize that these barroom conversations were not drunken commitments; the conversions of which I speak were all sober commitments made only after serious and relatively long-term shepherding into discipleship. It seems that bars fill a serious human need in our fragmented, mobile, anonymous society that thirsts for fellowship, and so a bar is very able to quench more than one kind of thirst. I firmly believe that the church is the only other neighborhood organization

The Attributes of God - God's Infinitude (PT 2)

The Attributes of God, Volume 1 A Journey into the Father's Heart Pages 6-7 by A.W. Tozer What About Power? What about power? If God had all the power there is except a little bit, and if somebody else had a little bit of power hoarded that God couldn't get to, then we couldn't worship God. We couldn't say that this God is of infinite power because He wouldn't be of infinite power. He’d just be close to it. While He would be more powerful than any other being and perhaps even more powerful than all the things in the universe lumped together, He still would have a defect, and therefore, He couldn't be God.

The Attributes of God - God's Infinitude (PT 1)

Volume 1: A Journey into the Father's Heart, (Pages 4-6 by A.W. Tozer)   Infinity Cannot Be Measured "Infinity cannot be measured. We've got to eliminate all careless speech here. You and I talk about unlimited wealth, but there's no such thing—you can count it. We talk about boundless energy, which I don't feel I have at the moment, but there's no such thing—you can measure a man's energy. We say an artist takes infinite pains with his picture, but he doesn't take infinite pains; he just does the best he can and then throws up his hands and says, 'It isn't right yet, but I'll have to let it go.' That's what we call infinite pains, but that is a misuse of the word.

Spiritual Nuggets (B.U.S.Y) 08/20/24

     Spiritual Nuggets (Daily Devotional)  Tuesday, August 20, 2024   B.U.S.Y.   Busy = Bound Under Satan's Yoke In the clamor of life, we hustle and strain,   Our souls weighed down by burdens and pain.   But in the quiet, a whisper is near,   "Come, sit at My feet; find peace from your fear."   The world’s heavy yoke presses down tight,   Yet in My embrace, your burdens are light. “For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” (Matthew 11:30, NASB)     (About This Devotional) This daily reflection seeks to provide insight and encouragement, drawing from the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42. We will explore how being overly busy can bind us under a yoke of distraction and anxiety, pulling us away from the most important aspect of our lives—our relationship with Jesus.

Profane Evangelism - God of Love Denise

Profane Evangelism Taking the Gospel into the Unholy Places   by Mark Van Houten, Pages 109-110   (God of Love, Denise) Of the hundreds of names of God identified in the Bible, the most endearing and enduring is the last in my list: God is love. All the names and meanings of God can be naturally subsumed under this name—Love. Countless volumes have been written on God's love, and even on God as love. Yet, God as love warrants our attention because of a basic and pervasive misunderstanding among Christians.

Spiritual Nuggets (Forged in the Fire) 08/18/24

Daily Devotional - August 18, 2024  Forged in the Fire:  The Path from Suffering to Hope   (About This Devotional) This daily reflection is meant to encourage and uplift you on your spiritual journey. Rooted in Romans 5:3-4, today’s nugget offers insights into how the trials we face can shape us into stronger, more hopeful individuals.   (Scripture: Romans 5:3-4) "But we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." Forged in fire, tempered by grace,   Each strike a lesson, from the trials we face.   From raw to refined, by the Master’s hand,   We emerge as warriors, as a sword in His hands.

Discover Shadows in Jericho

🌲📚 Embark on an epic journey where faith and adventure collide. (Click the link below to visit my Linktree) My Linktree Dive into the world of Shadows in Jericho, a historical and spiritual adventure that takes you through the aftermath of the Jacobite Wars, where betrayal, redemption, and divine intervention shape the lives of Captain Thomas Montgomery and his crew. Follow my Linktree (Above!) to connect with my Facebook page, blog, and TikTok account, where you’ll find all the latest updates on the book's journey. Whether you want to follow along, offer ideas, speculate, or simply immerse yourself in the creative process, your input is welcome!

Anchor of My Soul

Anchor of My Soul  Patrick O'Finnegan's  Hymn and Speech After the Shipwreck   (August 1, 1745)  After surviving the harrowing shipwreck on Ascension Island, Patrick O'Finnegan, the ship's first mate and spiritual guide, leads the crew in a hymn that speaks to the heart of their faith. His words offer comfort, strength, and guidance as they continue their journey.

Spiritual Chameleons

 Adapting to Reach the World Without Becoming Like the World Message - Spiritual Chameleons  (June 11, 2011) (Updated Version: August 10, 2024) Adapting to Reach the World While Staying True to Christ In 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 (NASB), the Apostle Paul writes: "For though I am free from all people, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may gain more. To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I might gain Jews; to those who are under the Law, I became as one under the Law, though not being under the Law myself, so that I might gain those who are under the Law; to those who are without the Law, I became as one without the Law, though not being without the law of God but under the law of Christ, so that I might gain those who are without the Law. To the weak I became weak, that I might gain the weak; I have become all things to all people, so that I may by all means save some."

La Renaissance du - Spirit of the Highlands

June 15, 1748 | Rochefort, France In the summer of 1748, the renowned maritime painter Claude Joseph Vernet captured the essence of the magnificent (Spirit of the Highlands) through his masterful painting. This grand vessel, acquired by Captain Thomas Montgomery and refurbished at the renowned Arsenal de Rochefort, represents a perfect blend of innovation, strength, and beauty. This painting embodies the rich history and advanced shipbuilding techniques of the time, showcasing the (Spirit of the Highlands) as a beacon of maritime excellence. With a copper-sheathed hull, advanced rigging, and reinforced structure, this ship stands as a testament to the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the era.

Blueprints of a Legend (The Spirit of the Highlands)

🛠️ Before the Spirit of the Highlands set sail into legend, it was a meticulously crafted blueprint in Henri's workshop at Rochefort. Every detail was designed with precision, combining technical expertise with artistic vision: - Length: 100 feet - Beam: 30 feet - Draft: 12 feet - Tonnage: 300 tons - Speed: 12 knots - Armament: 20 cannons, reinforced hull for superior durability - Crew Complement: 60-65 men - Modifications:   - Copper Sheathing: To enhance speed and reduce biofouling, ensuring the ship's longevity in treacherous waters.   - Advanced Rigging: Designed for optimal maneuverability, allowing the ship to respond swiftly to changing wind conditions.   - Precision Navigation Instruments: Equipped with the latest tools to guide the ship through uncharted territories with unmatched accuracy.   - Custom Highland Warrior Figurehead: A masterfully carved figurehead symbolizing strength and heritage, designed to strike fear and awe into onlookers.

The Game Room Rev

Excerpt from "Profane Evangelism: Taking the Gospel into the Unholy Places" by Mark Van Houten (Pages 88-89) Besides bars, game rooms are also good places for Christians to exhibit God's power. People still believe that God is an ogre who hates to see anyone having fun. Almost daily, young people ask me what business a minister has in a game room. The game room, I tell them, is where I feel particularly close to God. Seriously, there are always a lot of children in the game room. We are all the children of God. When we learn these games, just as when we begin to learn about God, we fight them, and we fight God. But when we understand the game, and when we begin to understand God, we can stop fighting and start enjoying ourselves—start scoring big.

True Apologetics The Word of Our Testimony

(1 Peter 3:15, NASB)  Introduction to Apologetics  In systematic theology, apologetics is the discipline concerned with the reasoned defense of the Christian faith. The term "apologetics" comes from the Greek word ἀπολογία (apologia), meaning "a reasoned defense" or "a speech in defense." This is also where we get the English word "apology," though in this context, it means offering a reasoned explanation or justification for one's beliefs, not expressing regret. Traditionally, apologetics has been focused on defending the truth and reliability of Scripture, the existence of God, and the core beliefs of Christian doctrine. However, true apologetics goes beyond intellectual arguments. It involves sharing the personal impact of Christ’s transformative work in our lives. When we combine this testimony with the truths of Scripture, it becomes a powerful witness to the Gospel, showing that our personal experience aligns with what the Bible teaches


The Storm of Surrender   Painting by Joseph Vernet,  1748, Paris, France     Inspiration for the Painting: This maritime painting by Joseph Vernet captures the harrowing moment when Captain Thomas Montgomery and his crew faced a violent storm off Ascension Island. The painting, titled "The Storm of Surrender," depicts the shipwreck, with crew members clinging to debris as they pray for divine intervention. Subtle angelic figures can be seen in the clouds, symbolizing the spiritual awakening that occurred during this trial. Captain Thomas Montgomery's Personal Journal   Saturday, June 12, 1745   Early Morning:

The Jacobite Rising Vol 345

The Edinburgh Gazette  April 23, 1746 Vol. 345 THE JACOBITE RISING: HEROES AND HEARTBREAK Brave Scots Fight for Freedom Amidst Tragic Defeat at the Battle of Culloden By Angus MacGregor In these troubled times, our dear Scotland stands at a pivotal moment. The recent upheavals of the Jacobite Rising have rent our nation asunder, with friends and kin taking opposing sides in this fraught struggle for the throne. These past years have witnessed an escalating tumult, now reaching its dreadful climax at the Battle of Culloden mere days past. As we ponder these trying times, it is fitting to recount the significant events and notable personages who have shaped our current plight.

The Pursuit of Wisdom (Prov 4)

The Pursuit of Wisdom (A study of Proverbs chapter 4) Proverbs 4 emphasizes the value of wisdom, presenting it as a father's guidance to his son. It highlights the importance of acquiring wisdom and understanding as guiding principles for a righteous life. This study delves into the verses from the New American Standard Bible (NASB), providing commentary and exploring the historical context of David and Solomon's times. Key Hebrew words are highlighted to deepen our understanding.

In Christ All Things Have Been Made New

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NASB)   "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come."    ( Word Analysis: New) English: The word "new" in English suggests something fresh, recently made, or different from what was before. It can imply a transformation, renewal, or the creation of something that didn't exist previously. Greek: The Greek word used here is "καινός" (kainos). It signifies something that is not only new in time but also new in quality and essence. This is different from the Greek word "νέος" (neos), which mainly indicates something new in terms of age or recent origin. "Kainos" emphasizes a change in nature, character, and substance, pointing to a transformation that is profound and fundamental.

Diamond Hands of Faith

  Diamond Hands of Faith  (Metaphor) Trading and Faith: Unbreakable Resolve Imagine you're deep in the world of trading, where stocks, crypto, and other investments bounce up and down like a yo-yo in the hands of an over-caffeinated toddler. In this unpredictable landscape, there's a term that stands out like a shining beacon: "diamond hands." This phrase doesn't mean your hands are literally made of precious gemstones (though that would be pretty cool). Instead, it symbolizes an unwavering resolve to hold onto your investments through thick and thin, without succumbing to panic and selling off at the first sign of trouble.

Shadows In Jericho Images