Saturday, March 31, 2012

Message - Passion The Road To Destiny (Part 1 & 2)- Sermon - Randall Nelsen

(Click the Picture above to listen to part 1. 
(Part 2 is below the car video)

Passion The Road TO Destiny

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6

 I want to ask everyone a Question tonight
And I want you to really think it over and ask yourselves a Question 
“What is Passion, do I have Passion?”

Poetry - The Tree Of Life - By Randall Nelsen

I had a Vision
I saw a Tree in the Midst of the Garden
Its branches were filled with the fruit of Eternal Life

I had a Vision
I saw a Tree
Planted by the Rivers of Water
That brings forth fruit in its season
whose leaf also shall not wither

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Message - Tug Of War

When I was in Junior High, my school had a game day competition at the end of the school year.I remember that there were many different kinds of events. One of the events was the Tug Of War competition. I remember the event very well because at the end of it, I had mud all over me.