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Showing posts from April, 2022

Ten Types of Preachers to Absolutely Avoid!!!

Transgender2Transformed(my testimony)

I Am The Way

  I AM THE WAY  04/28/22 Most people are marching Swiftly  Down the Highway of Destruction Do not be one of them Saith the Lord Enter by the narrow gate For wide is the gate  and broad is the way  that leads to destruction and there are many  who go in by it Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the  way 

Jesus Still Heals

  God still Heals and Performs Miracles Today Today we witnessed a Miracle on the streets of Bakersfield. Every Thursday we go out on the streets to feed the homeless and the hungry. Southwest Christian Center and Kingdom Harvest ministries join together to serve our community. We pray together and share the message of Jesus on the streets. Today the Holy Spirit led us to a different area than we usually go. We met a man from India who had been severely beaten and robbed. He had been hit in the back of the head. It was so bad that he had to have surgery and staples put in. His neck was also injured in the attack. He could barely move or turn it. We

Distortion of the Prophetic Office In the Modern Church

Hillary Scott & The Scott Family - Thy Will (Official Lyric Video)

Colossians 1-4 - The Bible from 30,000 Feet - Skip Heitzig - Flight COL01

Colossians NKJV Audio Bible

Biblical Greek: How to really know what a Greek word means

Bizzle Testimony

Bible Translations: here's what they hide from you

How to Find Jesus in the OT pt22

Meat Loaf's Words on Hell Will Shock You...

Famous People in Hell - Chadwick Boseman - The Black Panther Demon

Typology in the 5 Sacrifices of Leviticus: How to find Jesus in the OT p...

Understanding Biblical Typology - Steve Ray

Casting Out STUBBORN DEMONS - Cleanse Your Temple

How to Hear God Speak to You | 7 Steps

My testimony of demon deliverance from schizophrenia

Put On Your Running Shoes - Philippians 3:12-16 - Skip Heitzig

Run the Race - Phillipians 3:12 - 16

 04/22/22 Philippians 3:12-16 NKJV Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I (press - A) on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and (reaching - B) forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you. Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us be of the same mind. Greek Keywords - Strongs Press (A) - dioko  diókó: to put to flight, pursue, by impl. to persecute Original Word: διώκω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: diókó Phonetic Spelling: (dee-o'-ko) Definition: to put to flight, pursue, by implication to persecute Usage: I pursue, hence: I persecute. 13

Buddha Is In Hell Testimony

"Horrific Hell Testimony" Extremely 👹Demonic!! Listen Closely~

My testimony | Molestation and pornography led to deliverance

Jesus in Hell: 3 Days and 3 Nights

April 2022 Messages from the LORD

SHOCKING exposé! Israeli professors unveil secrets of the Passover seder

The Legend of Three Trees - Animated Christian Movie

MATT MAHER + MIA FIELDES - Christ Is Risen: Song Session

Is Ray Comfort a False Teacher?

Hell testimony !!

Predestination and Hyper-Calvinism

The Lake of Fire, Sheol, Bosom of Abraham, Gehenna and Tartarus Explaine...

She Stopped the Interview... Until She Heard This Analogy | Evangelism

Oprah Winfrey, This is Why You Never Mess With God...

Inductive Bible Study – An Overview

Inductive vs Deductive Bible Study - Devoted to Jesus 💕

Elon Musk: Does God Exist?

She Laughed At First, Until the Preacher Said This...

God gave me a vision of hell and showed me what it was like there

The Mind Blowing Significance of Passover as Prophecy

I Had a Dream About Jesus and Christians in Hell (Testimony)

SHOCKING exposé! Israeli professors unveil secrets of the Passover seder

I Walked in Hell Aileen Baxley

Mark Levy's Testimony - A Jewish man provoked to jealousy and finds Jesus!!


The video they don't want you to see!

MY HELL EXPERIENCE, God demanded me to return and share what I saw!!!!

The truth about KARMA, ASTROLOGY, and the ENNEAGRAM. Don't be deceived.

Prophetic Dream Recap: On the Water with Trump & Melania