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Showing posts from June, 2019

From New Age to Jesus

What being a Christian is like in Japan.

I was shown my own little box in Hell!

Christianity in Japan - Documentary

Tell People Nuclear - Message from God

My first Rapture Dream

Rapture - Final Days of Harvest!

The things people say!

Response to Jerry Toney and Genevieve Brazel, in Love

Rapture Encouragement - Your Redemption draweth Nigh!

A Real Talk for Rapture Lovers (Typology)

Rapture Watch- Where are We? June 2019

The Jewish Wedding - Typology of the Rapture - Chuck Missler

Pentecost to Rapture

One Second after the Rapture

The Star of Bethlehem - Documentary

Sound the Alarm! The Rapture is Soon! Heaven's Door is Open!

Attention Rapture Watchers. Strawberry Moon and the Number 17

Nobody in Hollywood is talking about this. New Age Satanism

Behold The Sky will Split! Rapture Soon! Repent!

Prophetic and World News Update June 12, 2019

Rene "Level" Martinez from Gang Leader to Christian Warrior

If you did it for the least of these you did it for me!

Mid East Prophecy Update - June 9, 3019

Are you Ready to Transition?

Testimony of Ghost Hunters turned Christian

Church member had a vision of a Nuclear Blast!

Something is happening! Could it be the Rapture?

My final message in the wake of the calm before the Storm!

My experience with Tinder as a Christian/ Pornography Temptations

What to do if you miss the Rapture

We are in the final countdown! America will suffer catastrophe and the Rapture is Imminent!

Testimony of a former Witch and New Ager

Demons to Saved by Jesus!

Urgent! Sound the Shofar! Rapture Now! The door is closing!

How Deceived I was in New Age Beliefs - My Testimony

A Deeper look into the Hell I experienced (Drug Overdose)

Died and went straight to Hell!

Urgent Sound the Alarms! Middle East Update!

June 3 Prophetic News Update - Pastor Tim Henderson

I woke up to this.The Rapture is at Hand!