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Showing posts from May, 2019

Jewish IdF Soldier finds Cure in Yeshua (Jesus)

How Young People are Deceived!

Attention Mockers and Scoffers the Rapture is Imminent!

Downhere - Let Me Rediscover You

Jewish Israeli who grew up in Synagogue.

Witchcraft, Pyschadelics, and New Age

NeedToBreathe - Multiplied

Need to breathe - Wasteland - Sessions

The Rapture is Near! I saw Him Coming!

Suzie an Israeli Jewish Girl Testimony

May 19th 2019 Mid-East Prophecy Update

Freedom from Porn and Sexual Sin!

Don't listen to the Crazy Rapture people!

Keith Green - Your Love Broke Through

Rapture Dream - Timing and what the Lord will do after

My Testimony ( Not for children)

Growing up Jewish!

My Testimony - How I came to know Jesus

May 5th 2019 Prophecy Update